Sunday, June 12, 2005

Beauty is a Jedi mind trick

Nobody will dispute the fact that in the presence of a strikingly beautiful woman, men often don't know what to say or do. It's as if the beautiful woman suddently took control, through some mysterious mystical pathway, of the male brains around her.

These poor male brains suddenly experience a hostile takeover by a foreign power, and all logical and rational functions instantly shut down. The right side of the male brain is then turned on, and secretly launches flights of uncontrollable erotic fantasies that are just too lurid to be described here. (If nobody minds, I'll just go for a really cold shower. Back in five.)

Yet not all males are so weak-minded, for a few have received special training to "fight back" all female attempts to take over their intellectual functions and turn them into slaves ready to obey every command of the oh-so-beautiful woman.

The most ambitious females, of course, counter-attack by following elite training of their own, to be able to break down all psycho-resistance barriers erected by the alpha males (alpha = handsome, rich, powerful, etc.). In her quest for socially upward matrimony and subsequent social supremacy, a beautiful woman will often strive to attain a certain exalted social status (such as a beauty queen award) in order to massively break down all mental resistance in the men she is targeting for seduction of the blow-your-mind-take-no-prisoner variety.

Example: Super model Natalia Vodianova. From a poor background and family, she learned culture, refinement and the subtle art of conversation, and look how she conquered her husband, a handsome man from a wealthy English family (somehow, I hate him already!).

The interesting thing is that her former boyfriend actually pushed her out the door so she could go to a Paris model audition, which jumpstarted her career. She later left him, but gave him a Mercedes as a gift. (Somehow, my past romantic relationships did not end that well!).

Bottom line is: Beauty is a Jedi mind trick. In other words, beauty is NOT a physical state or an image, but the highly sophisticated yet effortless and effective manipulation of the male brain into wholeheartedly believing that all the pleasure, riches and power in life will only come through the angelic face and shapely female body that he is currently contemplating.

More on this intriguing revelation later on.


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