Sunday, May 15, 2005

Is Star Wars a movie or reality?

You be the judge!


The times are chaotic. Civilization and democracy are under siege from mysterious forces that were dormant for centuries.

Evil now has a new powerful ally, and it no longer hides in the dark. It comes out of the deep jungle and marches toward the throne of human civilization. Valiant knights with drawn swords stand ready to oppose this new evil, but they are no match for a dark majesty that has plotted revenge for a millenium.

Everywhere, we see the tragic fall of heroes, knights and guardians of civilization. It is the greatest herocide of history. A few knights, following the whisper of a shadow, have retreated to a hidden temple, in order to contemplate the true meaning of these events and to prepare a more effective response to the mounting of supreme evil.

For now, the new evil is unstoppable, and it draws all military power to itself, to satisfy its lust for domination over time, space and human bodies. It started as a Republic, but it became a de facto empire, ruling with violence and force.

The timing is perfect, alas, for the return of the Lord of Evil -- darkness beyond darkness. Amidst a civilization that is shaking and almost on its knees, whose institutions have lost the confidence of the people, we see the rise of masters of crime and terror, who seize the opportunity to gather power on a global scale. Their goal is to eradicate human knowledge and wisdom, and to replace it with animal force, thereby re-instituting the law of the jungle.

But animal force can only be unleashed if human reason disappears, overshadowed and overcome by fear, mistrust and anger. Our age is characterized by increasing loss of self-control, enabling frustration and anger to express themselves with deadly force against the weak and the innocent.

Some dark lords truly master the art of fear, by skillfully channeling its energy to cloud and influence the minds of millions of people. By capturing and focusing the frustration of millions of people toward the pillars of civilization, they then release the explosive rage at the most damaging moment, while filling the world's psyche with fear, doubt and paralyzing anxiety.

9/11 was the work of such a master dark lord, who wields spiritual forces effortlessly to defeat a super power.

While the West is blinded by its own technological marvels and places its faith in military technocrats, the dark lords secretly train warriors in the ways of the Mind, where wars are truly fought and won. Such mental powers are so great that even a prince of technology is easily subdued and manipulated for the advancement of Darkness.

Star Wars, the movie, is more than just a movie. It captures the lucid prophecy of a man who has seen the ultimate challenge of civilization: with so much power and technology in our hands, will we choose the gentle way of the spirit, or the brutal and murderous way of the animal -- the beast -- that sleeps in every human heart?