LinkedIn - If evil men...
- Leo Tolstoy
Everything you wanted to know about your brain, but were afraid to ask
Since LinkedIn is a mass social software, it probably won't focus on any one of these anxieties, but try to address them all.
Therefore, it will be up to users to figure out what exactly is the main problem they are trying to solve in their own lives, and how they can use LinkedIn to their own advantage.
Otherwise, LinkedIn will just become yet another one of those new Web novelties that makes VC people feel they might be on to the "next big thing" without actually providing any concrete value to users.
I remember a quote: "You can have everything you want in life, if you give enough other people what they want in life."
Anthony Robbins expressed the same idea differently: "The key to wealth is distribution."
It is obvious from the above that a person has to do a lot of work before LinkedIn can become a useful and profitable tool.
The answers are coming up!
The interesting thing is that her former boyfriend actually pushed her out the door so she could go to a Paris model audition, which jumpstarted her career. She later left him, but gave him a Mercedes as a gift. (Somehow, my past romantic relationships did not end that well!).
Bottom line is: Beauty is a Jedi mind trick. In other words, beauty is NOT a physical state or an image, but the highly sophisticated yet effortless and effective manipulation of the male brain into wholeheartedly believing that all the pleasure, riches and power in life will only come through the angelic face and shapely female body that he is currently contemplating.If you look for a job, then your entire career will be controlled by someone else: the employer. This is because no matter what job you take, the job will ALWAYS belong to the employer. He can take it away from you any time, without giving you any explanation as to why. He can just walk into you cubicle Friday at 5 PM, and tell you: "Don't bother coming in Monday."
The manly attitude is to face the truth: no matter what you own (a house, a car, a dog, whatever), the truth is that every day, from 9 to 5, your ass belongs to the employer. An employee is someone who gives up his freedom 5 days out of 7, from 9 AM to 5 PM, in exchange for security.
Many people will deny this fact (that they are slaves), and because they engage in self-denial, they will probably remain employees till they are 65 years of age. If you wake up one day, when you're 65, and you realize that you've been working like a slave all your life, then it's a little bit too late to do something about it (unless you're a descendent of Colonel Sanders and you want to start a chicken franchise).
However, the people who are intellectually honest to themselves and work hard to save money in order to launch a business of their own -- those people are already on their way to financial independence.
The trick is to begin to use other people, while offering them something in return. In international trade, they call it the comparative advantage concept: if you're good at producing service A, then exchange that service with someone who's good at producing service B. That way, you both win.
LinkedIn allows you to find people whose skills and assets complement yours. Think about it: if corporations, with all their enormous resources, need partners, we little folks need partners even more!
Bottom line: to manage your career for maximum $$$, you must think of your career as a business.
More on this later on.